Do I Really Need to Contact an Estate Planning Lawyer?

Do I Really Need to Contact an Estate Planning Lawyer? Many younger people assume they don’t even have an estate worth dividing up and sharing with their loved ones after they’ve passed. Fortunately, they couldn’t be further from the truth. No matter what kind of assets you own, you need to have a solid plan […]
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When Should I Change or Update My Estate Plan?

While it would be nice if an Estate Plan were something that we could just set and forget, the reality is a well-crafted plan involves consistent review and upkeep in order to ensure all of your t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. Depending on your age and life situation, you may update your plan […]
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Living Will Versus Last Will and Testament: What Are The Differences?

When it comes to Wills, they are not all created equal. Living Wills and Last Wills and Testaments serve two very different purposes. When considering how to utilize these documents, always consult a trusted attorney. A Living Will is a document that outlines specific desires in regards to personal and medical care in the event […]
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