Wills Vs. Living Trusts - Pen laying on top of a Will for estate planning

Wills Vs. Living Trusts

Probate Lawyer Did you know that more than two-thirds of Americans don’t have a will in place? Therefore, if you have been thinking about crafting a will but are self-conscious about speaking to a lawyer about doing so because you have put it off for quite a long time, don’t be shy. Not only are […]
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When Should I Begin Planning for Medicaid?

While it can be tempting to put off evaluating programs like Medicare and Medicaid, planning ahead for your use of these programs and understanding what you will qualify for is essential. To clarify, Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage if you are 65 and older or if you are under 65 and […]
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What Young Parents Should Know About Estate Planning

When you’ve just welcomed your first child into the world (or perhaps a few years ago!) the last thing you want to think about is what might happen to your child and to your assets if you were to pass away. It’s difficult to consider, but it is vital for the safety and security of […]
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